Conference Content 2023-2024
2024 created for more opener
2024 Renew Clinic Overcoming Addiction: Created for More Conference!
2024 panel interview
Sarah Keel, Executive Director of Renew Clinic, interviews Mayor Glenn Jacobs (KANE), Brian Head Welch (KORN), Ben Fuller, and Shai Linne!
2024 Sarah Keel and TK Hindman
Teaching: A Comprehensive Understanding of Addiction
2023 Dr. Jim Coffield
Dr. Jim Coffield is a Clinical Psychologist and Pastor who also serves on the Renew Clinic Board of Directors. Dr. C gives a beautiful talk at our 2023 conference on suffering.
2024 brandon allen spoken word
2024 Renew Clinic Overcoming Addiction: Created for More Conference!
2024 shai linne preaches the gospel
Shai Linne presented the full gospel message, which is what the addiction recovery community needs!
2023 Brian “Head” Welch Interview
Watch the entire interview here!
2023 Luke Odom
Luke is a grad of Renew Clinic and brought a powerful word at our Overcoming Addiction conference!
Every year, Renew Clinic hosts our Annual Conference on addiction to unite the community of believers around this issue and to invite others to join the conversation. We stand in the gap to ignite hope and freedom in our community. We create space, and the Living God fills it. We believe in the depth of our souls that Jesus Christ is the One we all long for.
“It is for freedom that Christ has set you free.” Galatians 5:1
Amazing conference, thank you for being obedient to the Lord's prompting. - Joseph
What an evening! What an event! Tom and I were so glad to be there. Thank you for the work you and your staff are doing day in and day out. - Jackie
Love, love, LOVED the confidence. Y’all did an amazing job putting it together and all the hard planning was evident. “Head” definitely brought in more people & I enjoyed hearing his story in person. I enjoyed/got more out of Dr. Coffield & Luke’s talk. Next year, please put me down on your list of volunteers, I would love to help as much as I can with the conference but especially anything with Renew! Everyone at Renew has upped the standard for rehab/recovery. I’m very grateful God lead me to Renew and subsequently, saving my life. - Sam
This event was awesome! I am a recovering alcoholic myself, who has relied on God to take the habit from me. I no longer depend on it to calm my nerves or to go to sleep. With God all things are possible! He loves us all the same! God bless! - Rose
I had such an amazing time! The worship was very powerful with that many people, all praising Jesus in unity! I am so grateful for Luke, Dr. Coffield, Brian, Anthony and Sarah for getting up on that stage and getting honest, sharing about Jesus and recovery and being a true inspiration! I wasn’t expecting to meet Brian but he was truly gracious in letting us all take pics with him. Thank you all at Renew Clinic and Faith Promise Church for a wonderful evening and I pray the Lord continues to bless all the ministries involved! Jesus is the answer!! - Chelsi
I had an amazing time. Got to meet one of my favorite people in the world an talk about Jesus with him. This conference went above and beyond for Jesus and I am super grateful to be apart of that. Thank you very much. - Matt
It was an awesome event – and I gave it 5-stars! We really enjoyed the speakers who were both inspiring and informative -- and everything ran very smoothly - I look forward to attending this again the next time you have a Renew event, and I will be recommending it to others! Thank you for all that you do! Blessings and joy! -Renee
Outstanding day!!! I was very blessed by the entire event!! I learned many new and wonderful things about the Lord and was moved with great compassion and emotion by the speakers. I normally do not attend all the breakout sessions at events, however, I found myself excited to discover what new treasures the next session would hold. I enjoyed every minute. - Eric
WOW! What a great event. I hope your team is very proud of the work. It was a great opportunity for Knoxville and ministries to come together. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share about our ministry and gain some exposure to folks who have never heard of us. - Lyschel
I loved the conference! My favorites were Neil and Tonier. But I think Sharon was an important addition because so many attending are counseling or loved ones of addicts. How to respond in a biblical way should always be part of the conversation. Tonier gave great suggestions on being trauma informed. And her testimony was so moving! Neil's talk illuminated that there is so much more to it than chemical addiction. I'm really glad I came! -Jeanna
I was so impressed and thought this was a wonderful community event. The speakers were so powerful! WOW! Please include us if you do this event annually. Thanks for having us! - Christy
The conference was very well done! I loved the breakout sessions and different topics that were covered. It felt very personal and informal. Each speaker was passionate and shared very practical information….I nearly bawled through Tonier’s presentation. It’s been my experience in ministry that trauma is very common among women in recovery. I loved being at the convention center and having food trucks. Great idea!Thank you all so much for the hard work you put in to make it possible! Blessings!
-CarolWas extremely informative. The feeling of love for others and testimonies was heartwarming and amazing. The sharing of God’s word and positive outcomes of treatment was also amazing. If everyone in the world could understand all the information, the positive changes that could occur would be mind blowing and give persons with addiction problems the ability to understand that they can heal, be loved, be worthy and be successful! Thanks for all that you do! Prayers continue for positive outcomes. -Mary
I am always excited to go to the conference. Thanks for having it. I thought that it was structured well. I always love hearing and learning from Dr. Coffield. The addition of the two women speakers was awesome. Hearing people's life stories and testimonies of what the Lord has brought them through is encouraging to those of us that are helpers. It gives us hope that no one is too far from God's reach. The hard work and prayer that you all put into this event definitely shows. Our community is blessed by Renew Clinic. -Paula
It was really good. I enjoyed it. The speakers were wonderful. I look forward to next years. - Ashlee
I loved the event. It felt like everyone involved did an amazing job. The vendors. The speakers. The staff. To see people speak up about their faith is a beautiful thing. From the mayor, to the people in the hallway, God was the topic of conversation. It is a beautiful thing what you guys are doing and I brought home this nugget: Out of all the churches in Knoxville, only 10 took this project on. But I always stop to focus on both sides. 10 churches are working together to make change in your community and that’s amazing.
Hopefully one day we can have a mini Renew Clinic here in Scott County. We have over 100 churches. Just getting them to work together would be amazing and not all but just the ones who are willing to die to self and out GOD first. Thank you for the invite, I absolutely loved it. Still feasting on some of the stuff I experienced there. - Randall
We were so thankful to be a part of the conference! We’ve had the opportunity to attend a lot of different events, but I’m not sure we’ve ever attended anything that was any more loaded with as high quality speakers as you guys had in the lineup for that day. It was such a blessing and we’re already looking forward to next year! - Shaina
It was an excellent conference. Already looking forward to next year. - April
This really was a fantastic and informational event. I will be attending again next year! - Amy
Thank you for welcoming me at the conference! It was well-put-together and I learned a lot. Tonier was incredible. Her story is harrowing but she’s come through it and is such an inspiration. - Erin

Our grads helping out at the Renew table!

Dr. Jim Coffield and Brian Head Welch from KoRn jamming out!

Sarah Keel, Executive Director of Renew Clinic, interviewing Brian Head Welch on stage

Brian Head Welch and Anthony Santana playing a worship song

Commissioner Kim Frazier and Brian Head Welch posing for the camera at the meet and greet

Jennifer Rokisky with Renew Clinic and Ashlee Crouse with MDC worked so hard to organize this event and bring in the vendors

Dr. Jim Coffield giving a talk on "The Unlikely Road to Joy and Healing"

Luke Odom, a Renew Clinic grad, bringing a powerful Word

Meet and Greet with Brian

Renew Fam!

Will West was our host for the evening, with over 600 in attendance

Alex Joy getting her 1 year token from TK Hindman, Clinical Director of Renew Clinic, Brian Head Welch and Sarah Keel.

Renew Family even extends into law enforcement!

Worship of our Lord

Thank you, Faith Promise worship band for leading worship for us!

Dr. Jim Coffield, Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Pastor on staff of Christ Covenant PCA

Dr. Neil T. Anderson, Author, Speaker, Professor

Tonier Cain, Trauma Informed Care Expert

Mayor Glenn Jacobs

Sharon Hersh, Licensed Therapist, Author, Speaker

Mayor Glenn Jacobs, Pastor Seth Hammond (Christ Covenant PCA) , and Pastor Victor Lee (First Baptist Concord)

Dr. Jim Coffield, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, The Intersection of Theology and Psychology

Dr. Neil T. Anderson, The Bondage Breaker


Jennifer Rokisky, Executive Assistant and Family Support (left) Emily-Anne Buck, Director of Business Development (right)

Lunch! Community!

Randall Byrge, CPRS

Sarah Keel, Director of Renew Clinic, (hugging) one of our conference sponsors

Pastor David Wiggins of First Baptist Concord

Randall Byrge, CPRS "BUT GOD"