Board of directors
Drew Mann, President, Managing Partner of Trinity Health Benefits
Kim Frazier, Vice President, Knox County Commissioner
Tim Stallings, Treasurer, Executive Pastor of The Church at Sterchi Hills
Dr. Tom Littlefield, M.D., Retired Family Physician
Dr. Kala Gray, M.D. , Trained in Psychiatry
Kyle Wall, Executive Pastor at Faith Promise Church
Donna Mitchell, President of Covenant Counseling and Consultation Services
Dr. Jim Coffield, Psychologist and Pastor at Christ Covenant
Glenn Sumner, CEO of the OrthoForum
Rob Saunders, CPA, Principal Partner, Whitetail Properties Real Estate
Meet the Renew Crew.
Executive DirectorSarah Keel is a follower of Jesus Christ, wife to Jonathan of 14 years, and mother to Avery, Zack, and Benjamin. She attends Providence Church in Knoxville, TN and has been honored to lead Renew Clinic since opening in 2021.
Sarah has a long history of incarceration, substance abuse, and mental health issues. She did not grow up in a Christian household, but was introduced to the Gospel message while in jail in 2007.
Ever since, Sarah has been growing in her relationship with Christ. She earned her Bachelors Degree in Applied Behavioral Science, is a certified recovery coach, and a certified transformational leadership trainer. Sarah is currently working on her Masters in Global Apologetics from Colorado Christian University (CCU).
Sarah has been working in the mental health industry since 2013 as a High Risk Educator, Resident Advisor for at-risk youth in New Mexico, FSWII for TN Department of Children’s Services, Regional Faith Based Community Coordinator for MDC/State of TN, and now the Executive Director for Renew Clinic.
“Right now you see a girl who came from shooting heroin by age 18, incarceration, fights, dark depression, fear, and full of anger & hate… to leading a ministry of reconciliation and freedom!
When I see how far God has brought me, even considering very dark times, I see that He has always had a good plan for me.
He had thoughts to heal me.
Restore me.
Save me.
The Lord has given me so much. I am still a work in progress and will be until the day I die; but I am not where I was and that is all because of Jesus Christ.
I will live the rest of my days praising and lifting up His Holy name!
For a righteous man may fall seven times
And rise again,
But the wicked shall fall by calamity. Prov. 24:16”
Clinical DirectorAfter waking up out of a week long coma from a nearly fatal overdose to Fentanyl in 2018, T.K. Hindman dedicated his life to Christ and his life was radically restored.
He often likes to say, “waking up and realizing I should have died left me with no choice but to finally admit that God is real and he truly preserved my life. Jesus saving me didn’t save me from the pain that followed over the next couple of years, but it’s the pain of that season that allowed me to finally step into my purpose of helping others, being a husband, and having the privilege of being a father.”
T.K. holds a Bachelors degree in Human Services from the University of South Carolina and a Master’s Degree in Clinical Mental Health from Johnson University. He currently serves as the Clinical Director of Renew Clinic Knoxville. His passion is sharing his story of suffering and God’s radical display of love and Mercy in his life. He is now married to his beautiful wife Brooke and they have 3 crazy boys 10, 5, 2 and are expecting their first daughter on October 19th of this year! His favorite scripture is:
Joel 2:25 “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten…”
Director of CoachingMichelle was born and raised in California and moved to Knoxville with her husband, Rich, 10 years ago.
Michelle has an AA in Psychology, BA in Social Science, a coaching accreditation from Spencer Institute, and an ACE certified Behavior Change Specialist.
During her early career in Juvenile Probation, Michelle became a court appointed expert in street gangs and spent several years identifying, teaching and studying gangs. Since then, Michelle has spent years in social work, small business ownership and finally her passion, coaching.
Michelle and her husband are deeply committed to the marriage ministry at their church where they are honored to walk alongside many couples and get to watch God restore!
“I believe God can deliver every broken person from their strongholds and write beautiful stories with messy details. I am a living example of Gods endless grace and am eager to share the hope of Christ with everyone I encounter!
I cherish small moments, and focus on living one day at a time. Or better, one moment at a time. I understand the importance of doing even small things with great love. In my free time I write a blog and poetry, roast coffee beans and sell locally, and spend every moment I can with my hubby on our stand up paddle boards.
There are many verses that are sweet to my soul but if I had to list one for today,
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, because the law of the Spirit of life in Christ has set you free from the law of sin and death. What the law could not do since it was weakened by the flesh, God did. Romans 8:1-3. “
Director of Biblical CounselingJeff Maitlen grew up in Buffalo, NY and attended Penn State with a degree in Business Management. After graduating, he moved to the San Francisco Bay Area (out of the snow!)
Jeff met his wife, Connie on a blind date in Boulder, CO, in 1987. They were married in Reno three months later. Together, they have 3 children (Kace, Kelly, and Josie), and 3 cats (Allie, Dixie, and Birdie).
Jeff committed his Life to the Lord in 1992.
Tragically, Jeff and Connie lost their son, Kace, to methadone overdose in 2005 at the age of 22. This tragedy has placed a passion inside of Jeff to reach those trapped in addiction.
In 2006, Jeff attended Gateway Seminary (Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary) and earned his Masters of Divinity (M. Div).
In 2018, having had their fill of the Golden State, they decided to move to East Tennessee and have not looked back. Shortly after arriving in Knoxville, Jeff was hired by Providence Church as the Minister of Care and Counseling, where he still serves.
Jeff joined the staff of The Renew Clinic as the Director of Biblical Counseling in March 2023.
Jeff has been passionate about finding ways to help people grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. He considers it an honor to be able to help people find freedom from their addictions by turning to Christ, trusting in Him, and living for His sake.
One of Jeff’s favorite verses is Galatians 5:1, “For freedom, Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.”
Director of Family Support
Jennifer Rokisky is Renew’s Director of Family Support. She has her CPRS (Certified Peer Recovery Specialist) from the state of TN and serves families affected by addiction. Jennifer has been walking alongside of those who have struggled with addiction for over 10 years. She has been called by God to help family members of addicted loved ones by leading family support groups since 2021.
On top of this, she has 17 years of teaching, served as the Women’s Ministry Director and has led several bible studies for her church that she has been faithfully attending since 2001. Jennifer is happily married to her husband of 33 years, with 2 adult children and 5 grandchildren.
Medical DirectorDr. Bruce Allsop is a servant of the Almighty God, husband to Sigi of 32 years, & father to Kayla and Kevin.
He also has over 30 years as a Medical Doctor:
-Board Certified in Family Medicine
-Medical Director of Renew Clinic
-Medical Director of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation for Sanders West
-Medical Director of Vine International
-Ethics Committee Chair of Parkwest Hospital
IOP Clinician
Hunter grew up in middle Tennessee in a loving Christian household. This early exposure laid the foundation for her future in counseling in a faith based setting.
She obtained her undergraduate degrees in Biology and Psychology from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She pursued postgraduate studies at Johnson University in Counseling. Her academic journey created an increased knowledge of the interconnectedness of biopsychosocial factors in addiction.
Her combined and the role faith plays in recovery. Hunter initially began at Renew as an intern, which provided invaluable experience with both group and individual therapy.
She is now a full time IOP clinician at Renew Clinic and hopes to continue fostering an environment at Renew Clinic where clients can find strength, hope, and redemption.
Hunter is married to her husband, Visura and they have Scout, a 2 year old Springerdoodle who hopes to become a certified therapy dog.
Communications Coordinator
Nikki joined our team in January of 2025. The Lord created a stir in her heart for Renew Clinic in 2024, and she has joined our team as our Communications Coordinator!
She was born and raised here in Knoxville Tennessee, experiencing the addiction crisis first hand through her own family, friends, and community. Nikki has a heart for people, and helping them find the source of healing through Christ, Christ-centered counseling and recovery treatment.
Married since 2012, Nikki met her husband, Noah, online! Since then, she has joyfully served her family while raising and homeschooling her two children from home. Receiving salvation, she surrendered her life to the Lord at age 15 and spent her adolescence sharing the gospel with friends and family, serving in her church youth groups, and joining overseas missions.
Her favorite scripture:
“Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his mercies never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22-23
Renewed Women Coordinator
Jai Jordan is a native of Brazil who grew up in a small town in Bahia. Later in life, she moved to the city of Corumbá, MS where she met her American husband. At the time, she worked as a volunteer for Global Encourager’s Ministries and served as a translator and nurses’ aid during mission trips. She also participated in local missions and was a youth leader along with her husband who served as a missionary in Brazil.
Jai holds a Brazilian Bachelors degree in Teaching with a minor in English and has over twenty years of teaching experience. She also has an American Bachelors degree in Nursing from ETSU. Jai loves working with her patients. She combines her nursing education with her teaching experience to educate patients to better manage their health.
Jai is a graduate from Renew and would love to be used by God to minister to those who struggle with addiction. As a participant in the program, she felt led to serve others in the same way that Renew Clinic had supported her. When she was offered the opportunity to help with the Renew Women, she felt that it was her chance to bless others and accepted the offer. Jai is a volunteer and she has been working as a Renew Women Coordenator for a year now. She is also a coach at Renew and has been using her testimony to encourage and guide other women into a successful recovery.
In 2009 Jai moved to USA with her husband to his hometown near Knoxville, TN where they live. They have a son, Nolan and a bernedoodle, Sasha.
Renewed Women Coordinator
I am the first graduate of Renew, and I consider myself blessed to be able to give back to others the way I have been helped along my journey. I am honored to serve the women of Renew Clinic in Renewed Women. I also serve as a participant coach.
Professionally, I have served others in public education for 30 years. I have been a classroom teacher, administrator, and an adjunct professor for undergraduate and graduate students striving to become educators. I am married to my high school sweetheart, although we got married years later. I love spending time with handsome (my husband), our teenage son, and our 5 animals.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has," Margaret Mead.
Do not doubt that the Lord is not done writing your story and what a difference being a part of a faith-based recovery group can play in a new chapter for you.
Administrative Assistant
Jeanna serves Renew Clinic as our administrative assistant! When you visit our clinic she’s likely the first one you’ll see at the front desk!
"My greatest joy is to encourage people in their walk with the Lord! I was drawn to Renew because of our shared love of Christ and our mission to see people walk in freedom from addiction. I was raised in a household of addiction and divorce. I love to see families reunited and parents be free to be the parents they desire for their children.
I have had many roles in life, including administration, teaching, blogging, coaching, being the mother of two, and being a wife (32 years). Right now, God has me teaching something different than reading, writing, and arithmetic, 'Walking in Freedom.' I am still learning, too. I enjoy being a lifetime learner, sitting at the feet of Jesus, the best teacher ever!"
-Jeanna Reynolds